Oh my...where did April go? Nothing too exciting happened this month. I was sick for about 1 week but bounced right back. I missed Easter Service and dinner with the family because I was recovering from being sick. Mommy and Daddy didn't want me to share germs with everyone else.

I still got to dressed up in my Easter dress and went over to Nana and Papa's house to open my Easter baskets. The Easter Bunny brought me bubbles!!! Popping bubbles is one of my favorite hobbies. I also got books, stuffed bunnies, candy (which I don't eat), and some other cool stuff.

Feeling kind of tired but trying to be tough like a big girl.

This is Mommy's attempt in experimenting with my hair. I have discovered how to pull all bows and rubberbands out of my hair. HeHeHe. She's lucky I left the pigtails in long enough for her to get a picture.

We celebrated Mother's Day with Grandma a little early by taking her to the Annual Tulip Fesitval. Look at all the pretty colors. There was so many tulips!

These were so pretty. Us girls just had to get a picture.

Mommy is trying to stop me from kicking and stepping on the tulips. Don't hold me back!!! I'm on a mission.

I liked touching them. These red ones almost match my outfit.

Mommy and Daddy are trying to teach me to be gentle with the flowers. Ok. I'll try but no promises.

Me with Daddy and Mommy.

These are Mommy's favorite. Sorry for the late update for April. Mommy might as well start working on May's update since it's already the 20th. Hehehe.